Message Types Examples

Message types provided in Amity Bots Platform are as followed:


Media : Image / Video / File

The user can play the video by tapping on the preview image. Note that the URL must use HTTPS with TLS v1.2 or later.

Supported image type : PNG , JPG

Supported video type : MP4 , MOV

Supported file type : PDF , PPTX , DOCX , XLSX

Use the carousel template to send a message with multiple column objects that users can cycle through. In addition having buttons, you can also indicate in each column object a single action to be executed when a user taps anywhere in the image, title, or text area.


An imagemap message contains an image with multiple tappable areas. When a user taps one of these areas, you can redirect them to a webpage or send a message on their behalf.



Flex Messages are messages with a customizable layout. You can customize the layout freely based on the specification for CSS Flexible Box (CSS Flexbox) (opens new window).

Quick reply

When a user receives a message that contains quick reply buttons, the buttons appear at the bottom of the chat screen. The user simply taps one of the buttons to reply.

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